Enhancing Your Lower Body Strength with Kas Glute Bridges

Feb 19, 2024

A determined athlete executing a Kas Glute Bridge with precision, showcasing intense focus on glute activation and strength.
A determined athlete executing a Kas Glute Bridge with precision, showcasing intense focus on glute activation and strength.
A determined athlete executing a Kas Glute Bridge with precision, showcasing intense focus on glute activation and strength.

Unlock glute strength with the Kas Glute Bridge, an advanced move by Coach Kassem Hanson, for transformative lower body workouts.

Unlock glute strength with the Kas Glute Bridge, an advanced move by Coach Kassem Hanson, for transformative lower body workouts.

While glute bridges and hip thrusts are staples in many fitness routines for those aiming for a stronger, more defined bum, the Kas Glute Bridge might not be as familiar. This innovative exercise, brought to the forefront by Coach Kassem Hanson, targets the posterior chain with a focus on the glutes, offering a fresh approach to lower body strength training.

What Makes the Kas Glute Bridge Stand Out?

Named after the coach who popularized it, the Kas Glute Bridge closely resembles a hip thrust more than a traditional glute bridge. This exercise is distinguished by slight yet crucial modifications that significantly enhance glute activation and strength.

How to Perform a Kas Glute Bridge

  1. Setup: Begin similar to a hip thrust by positioning your mid-back against a stable bench, straightening your legs to roll a barbell into place over your hips. Use a barbell pad for comfort.

  2. Movement: With feet flat on the floor, engage your core and glutes, and press through your heels to lift your hips. Your knees should form a 90° angle at the peak.

  3. Execution: Instead of lowering all the way down, decrease your hips' height by just a few inches before lifting again. This maintains tension in the glutes throughout the exercise.

The Kas Glute Bridge Vs. Other Glute Exercises

Unlike the conventional glute bridge, where the movement starts from the floor, the Kas Glute Bridge maintains continuous tension by avoiding complete contact with the ground. This method ensures your muscles are engaged throughout the exercise, offering a more challenging and effective workout.

Kas Glute Bridge Vs. Hip Thrusts

The Kas Glute Bridge differs from hip thrusts mainly in the range of motion and specific muscle targeting. It's an isolation exercise focusing intensely on the glutes, requiring controlled movement and preventing reliance on momentum, unlike the broader, compound nature of hip thrusts.

Benefits of the Kas Glute Bridge

  • Muscle Growth: The sustained tension promotes hypertrophy in the glutes, enhancing muscle size and strength.

  • Focused Activation: By maintaining tension and avoiding momentum, the exercise ensures the glutes work harder, leading to more significant gains.

  • Injury Prevention: This exercise places less stress on the lower back compared to other variations, reducing the risk of pain and injury.

Form Tips for Kas Glute Bridges

  • Start Light: Familiarize yourself with the movement pattern using just your body weight before adding load.

  • Engage Your Core: Keep your lower back from arching by engaging your core and glutes throughout the exercise.

  • Seek Professional Guidance: If you're unsure about your form or have existing back issues, consider consulting with a personal trainer.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Neck Positioning: Ensure your gaze and neck movement align with your hips to avoid strain.

  • Overarching: Use your core to maintain tension and alignment, preventing loss of engagement in the glutes.

  • Excessive Range: Remember, the Kas Glute Bridge involves a smaller movement range to keep constant tension on the glutes.


The Kas Glute Bridge is a potent addition to any workout regimen, offering enhanced glute activation and strength with its unique approach. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you're set to see notable improvements in muscle definition, posture, and overall lower body power.

Transform Your Fitness with Fit Senpai

Elevating your workout routine goes beyond introducing new exercises. Fit Senpai offers a comprehensive solution with personalized workout and meal plans tailored to your goals and preferences. By focusing on smart, efficient training strategies, Fit Senpai ensures your fitness journey is as effective as it is rewarding.

Join Fit Senpai today and make every workout count towards sculpting the strong, defined glutes you're aiming for.


  • Is it suitable for all fitness levels?
    Yes, starting without any load allows individuals of all fitness levels to learn and benefit from the exercise.

  • How often should I include them in my routine?
    Integrating Kas Glute Bridges 1-2 times a week can enhance your glute strength and endurance.

  • What if I feel other muscles working more than my glutes?
    This might indicate weak glutes or a lack of core engagement. Focus on driving through your heels and keeping your core tight throughout the exercise.

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